Why Choose Good Sheet?

Change isn’t easy, why not? 

This is the question I kept asking myself when looking at how to make a difference in day-to-day cleaning tasks that are detrimental to our environment.

Take laundry, something we all do every week. Whether we use powder or liquid both the products themselves and the packaging they come in significantly impact our environment in a toxic way.

After 18 months of research and discussion with suppliers to see what was possible with my strict requirements for sustainability, our dissolvable, biodegradable laundry sheets were born and I couldn’t resist to call this creation Good Sheet (because it seriously is!)

Why Good Sheet?

  • Simple to use – just pop into the soap dispenser in a front loader or on top of laundry in a top loader
  • Plant based and low tox – Safe for our waterways, kind to clothes and your skin!
  • Harsh chemical free - See our FAQ's for exact ingredients list
  • Recycled cardboard packaging – no plastic in landfill or choose our "naked" packaging option to get them without the cardboard
  • Less Miles – our packaging is Aussie made
  • Lightweight – minimising transportation impact
  • Washes clothes and laundry brilliantly 

Just the beginning..

This is just the start, I am researching (aka looking around the house) and will add a heap of other cleaning products we use day-to-day that can easily be replaced by more sustainable options. All that can be made into sheets... Good Sheets!

 Making Your Sustainability Choices Simple